Snake River Chinook season below Hells Canyon Dam closes July 30


ENTERPRISE, Ore. – The spring Chinook fishery on the Snake River below Hells Canyon Dam will close at sundown (8:18 p.m.) on Sunday, July 30.

Idaho Fish and Game, who monitors the Snake River fishery for both states, noted that angler interest and catch rates have dropped dramatically during the past two weeks. Last week, they documented only a few people fishing and an estimated harvest of two Chinook salmon.

The Snake River fishery stood out as a highlight in an otherwise poor year for salmon fishing opportunities in Oregon’s Snake River basin. “Despite a very low return, salmon fishing below Hells Canyon Dam has offered some of the best opportunity in the Snake River basin this season,” said Jeff Yanke, District Fish Biologist in Enterprise.  “During the past month catch rates were on par, or better than even the most abundant return years”.

The closure on the Snake is concurrent with fishery closures ordered by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game.



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